If you are trying to apply for the Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Program you are too late that was Nov. 15th, 2010 through Nov. 19th, 2010. If you did apply after the lottery if you are picked you will receive a postcard in the mail. You still can file for Section 8 apartments that the Grand rapids Housing Commission owns by filing out applications for those apartments. You can apply online through Grand Rapid Housing Commission’s Website.
The application period is now over (has ended), the Grand Rapids Housing Commission (GRHC) will be drawing 3,000 names by computerized random lottery (it is not first come first serve, it is lottery), but you must have signed up on-line or call during the specified hours). The 3,000 applicants that are drawn from the computer lottery will be added to the GRCH's Section 8 waiting list. A computerized random lottery will also determine placement of the new applicants on the waiting list.
Please note: The GRHC Section 8 Administrative Plan requires that the agency serve Kent County residents before other counties. If in the event the GRHC receives fewer than 3,000 applications from Kent county applying, then those applying from outside Kent county will be included in the lottery. Those applying from outside Kent County must also sign up during the specified periods. If more than 3,000 from Kent County apply, only those in Kent County will be placed in the lottery. If not, than those outside of the county will also be placed into the lottery. There were over 10,000 from Kent County on the first day, so only those from Kent County will be drawn in the lottery.
After the lottery has been completed, applicants will receive a postcard via U.M. Mail to confirm whether their application was selected (picked in the lottery) and added to the Section 8 waiting list. Application status will also be available online at www.WaitListCheck.com
For addition details please visit the GRCH website at www.grhousing.org
The Sign is now over and has ended
Wait List Check (for after lottery has been completed
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