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Clothing & Hygiene Options

Free Hygiene Supplies, & Free Showers Hygiene Supplies for all organizations depend on availability:

Days, times, restrictions, availability subject to change


Degage's Life Enrichment Center L.E.C. 2nd Floor    Located at Degage Ministries (Black doors on side)

144 S. Division                                                                    Hygiene Supplies now handed out Tues & Fri  at 11 a.m.

Grand Rapids, MI  49503                                                 Free Showers in the L.E.C. (2nd Floor)

(616) 454-1661                                                                   $2 Haircuts Thursday and Friday 8:30 to 1:30 and 1 to 3p.m.

Laundry $1 Wash $1 dry.  Lockers $2wk if available (drawing Fri. at 1 p.m.). Mending Thurs 9:00-11:30 am


St. Andrews Outreach                                                       Outreach building is located on Division

267 Sheldon S.E.                                                                 Straight across from the Guiding Light Mission

Grand Rapids, MI  49503                                                 Open Tues. and Thurs. 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.

(616) 456-1454                                                                   Free Clothes and Hygiene Supplies 

You can get socks, underwear, soap, shampoo and razors once a month if available. You can get shoes, towel, blanket, pillow, and coat 1 time per year if available.  Get there early, 1st 50 people or those signed in by 11:00a.m.


New Life Christian Fellowship                                      Soup & Prayer

2777Knapp St. N.E.                                                           Free Hygiene Supplies (& Soup or Chili)

Grand Rapids, MI  49525                                                 2nd Monday month 4p.m. to 5:00

(616) 364-7043                                                                    Toilet paper, soap, shampoo, razors, feminine, etc.


Lost Cost Hygiene Supplies


Matthew’s House                                                               Drop in Center

766 7th Street N.W.                                                              Geared towards the West side

Grand Rapids, MI  49504                                                 Hours 12:30 to 5p.m. (M-F)

(616) 233-3006 / 453-7905                                              Call for more information.

Free Showers, Lost Cost Hygiene Supplies; Laundry Cost $1Wash $1 Dry

(Must call for appointments for laundry) Computers 1st come first serve; for Resume,

Job Search, etc. (No chat, no games). Time may be limited if excessive.


Free Clothing


In the Image                                           Free Clothes and Stuff.   Now must make an appointment first.

1823 S. Division                                      Appointments scheduled by phone (or in person) Mon. & Wed.

Grand Rapids, MI  49503                        only from 9 to 11 a.m. & 1 to 3 p.m. (no exceptions).

(616) 456-6150                                        Shopping days are now Tues., Thurs., Fri., & Sat. as scheduled.

Shopping times are set by 1st apt. & remain the same thereafter, and you can shop at the In the Image 1 time a week. Tues., Thurs., Fri. appts. are scheduled at 9:30, 10:30, 11:30, 1:30 and 2:30.  Sat. appts. are at 9:00, 10:00, and 11:00. For furniture you must obtain a referral from a D.H.S. caseworker. Furniture referrals are still only allowed once a year. Your D.H.S. caseworker has discretion whether to write you a referral or not.

Some misc. dishes & small appliances, pots, pans, etc. on shelf if any.


St. Andrews Outreach                                                       Outreach building is located on Division

267 Sheldon S.E.                                                                 Straight across from the Guiding Light Mission

Grand Rapids, MI  49503                                                 Open Tues. and Thurs. 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.

(616) 456-1454                                                                   Free Clothes and Hygiene Supplies

You can get socks, underwear, soap, and razors once a month if available. Clothes from room every week.  Generally you need to get signed up by 11:00a.m. or in the first 40 (whichever comes first).


St. Alphonus Clothing Room                                          Clothing Room is for Northeast only

224 Carrier N.E.                                                                   Pantry is open 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. (M, Tu, W ,F)

Grand Rapids, MI  49505                                                  Bring I.D. & proof of residency

(616) 451-4230 / 451-3043                                               Northeast/ Northend Only. (Closed Thursday).



$2 Haircuts at Degage Ministries Tuesdays & Friday 8:30 to 11:30a.m. & 1 to 3 p.m. Cost 2 (men and women).


Free Haircuts at Guiding Light (men & women) once a month generally the 2nd Wednesday 2 to 4p.m. must sign up ahead of time on the sheet at Guiding Light Mission 255 S. Division.                                                            



Thrift Stores & Clothing Programs (items are sold at low-cost)


Salvation Army Family Store (Thrift Store)             Low cost clothing, furniture, and house wares.

1491 S. Division                                                                  You can go to Salvation Army Booth Family Services

Grand Rapids, MI  49507                                                 at 1215 E. Fulton and apply for a clothing voucher.

(616) 452-3133 store / (616) 459-9468 Booth Services            

Vouchers now issued only on Thursdays 11a.m. to 11:45 a.m. only    

Note: 1 voucher per year, must use within one week. Signup begins at 11 a.m. now; only takes approx. 15 people.


Saint Vincent De Paul Thrift Store                               Provides food, clothing, furniture, and other resources

1314  S. Division                                                                 to anyone who has an area referral. Up to 2 items of a kind

Grand Rapids, MI 49507                                            for free with referral.  Depends on availability. Once per year.

(616) 452-1408                                                           Other stuff is for sale at low cost. It is a thrift store.

Note: St. Vincent De Paul is very limited; may only use referral wise one time a year, if supplies (clothes / food available). Subject to availability.  Case manager or social worker must fax over request for you on their letter head to St Vincent De Paul’s fax number (616) 452-1479. Attn: St. Vincent De Paul. Food &/or Clothes Request.


Second Chance Thrift Store                                           (Trinity provides referrals for the West side)

520 Leonard N.W.                                                              Lord’s Bounty will help you out with a limited amount

Grand Rapids, MI  49503                                                 of clothes free 1 time per year with a referral from

(616) 776-0596                                                                    your church, caseworker, or social service agency.)

Note: Currently Lord’s Bounty is very limited on clothing;

Westside referrals only and if have extra supplies (clothes) available.


Westside Apostolate (thrift store)                                   Program for free clothes for low- income if have Medicaid

1232 Bridge St. N.W                                                           Once a month can obtain free clothes

Grand, Rapids MI  49504                                                  Need I.D. Soc. & Medicaid cards to qualify

(616) 235-7197                                                                    Also has clothes for $2 a bag

Hours are 9a.m. to 1:30p.m. (M, Tu, Th, Fri) and 11:30a.m. to 4p.m. (Wed.)       


Helping Hands                                                    Rustic Market (Pine Rest’s Thrift Store)

901 Alpine N.W.                                                  389 68th St. S.E.   

Grand Rapids, MI  49504                                  Grand Rapids, MI  49507

(616) 459-9114 M-F 10 to 5 11to 4 Sat.         (616) 455-2522   

Last Mon. & Tues. all clothing 50% off

Also has 99cents rack of clothing.


Goodwill Thrift Store                                       Goodwill Thrift Store                      

200 S. Division                                                     5487 S. Division

Grand Rapids, MI 49503                                   Kentwood, MI 49548

(616) 451-2606                                                    (616) 534-1123                             


Goodwill Outlet Store                                       Goodwill Thrift Store

3075 30th St. S.W.                                                740 28th St S.W.

Grandville, MI 49418                                         Wyoming, MI                                      

(616) 532-4200    8a.m. to5p.m.                       (616) 538-7070                                   

Note: Goodwill Warehouse Sale that was on Prairie will not exist on Fridays anymore.

The Outlet store listed above will replace it.


World Mission Thrift                       Valueland                             Valueland

919 36th Street S. W., Suite B           949 Four Mile Rd               2640 Burlingame Ave SW

Wyoming, MI 49509                          Grand Rapids, MI  49544                  Wyoming, MI 49509                   

(616) 261-1040                                    (616) 784-3633                   (616) 534-3233 

The 36th Street store is has clothing priced between 99 cents and 1.99. Also has a sale for ½ off their outlet pricing on the 3rd Tuesday of each month. The 4 Mile and Burlingame stores have sales for ½ off everything on the last Tuesday of each month